Jeremy Reynalds is an iconoclast who has combined a genuine passion for the hungry, homeless, abused and addicted with a creative ministry model in New Mexico. His books give a face to what is often a faceless problem in today's society. This chronicle of his conversion, calling and creation of an important agency of service - plus his guidelines for setting up a gospel rescue mission - is a valuable read for all who want to follow his lead and demonstrate their commitment to Jesus Christ in a practical manner. - John Ashmen, President, Association of Gospel Rescue Missions. In this amazing story, author Jeremy Reynalds, who founded and runs New Mexico's largest emergency homeless shelter and was once homeless himself, shares how he rose from homelessness to the pinnacle of academia, earning a doctorate in Intercultural Education at Biola University in La Mirada, California. In addition, the book contains stories of the precious souls who have fallen on hard times (many of who we pass by daily, often without a glance) and gotten back on their feet again with the help of the Lord at Joy Junction. Jeremy's story inspired and challenged me to pay more attention to the needy and oppressed among us. I pray that it will likewise encourage you. - Dan Wooding, Founder, ASSIST MINISTRIES and ASSIST News Service. Homelessness in our country is a story about tragedy and hope. Dr. Reynalds weaves together this story beautifully. The power of his words, however, can be found in his compassionate acts. - Joel John Roberts, CEO, PATH Partners and Publisher of